It’s observed and scientifically proven that practical learning helps students in retaining information for a longer period of time. Practical learning improves understanding of the concept in a better way than hearing.
The main purpose of practical learning is to engage students and develop important skills. Few points on the importance of practical learning for students are:
- Learning by doing things can help in retaining information for longer
- Practically learning is quick and easy
- It encourages students for self-learning
- Students can easily get comfortable with equipment while learning
- Provides perfection to the students in all the aspects of learning
- Gives a better learning environment for students
- Helps student to understand theory in a much better way
- Group activities develop social values like sharing, cooperation, teamwork, compassion, etc
GRD Academy has a well planned Physics lab that equips the students to have hands on experience. It is adequately equipped with every kind of modern apparatus required for the AISSE Practical Examinations as prescribed by the CBSE. The Flat-topped tables used as student workstations allow multiple arrangements and combinations for laboratory work and small-group activities.

The equipment ranges from the commonly found lens, magnet, beam balance, spring balance, glass prism to the advanced apparatus like Vernier calipers, Screw guage, Spherometer, Searl’s apparatus, Helical spring, Newton’s cooling kit, Sonometer, Resonance tube, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer, Galvanometer, Battery eliminator, voltmeter, ammeter and resistors and spectrometers to name a few. The laboratory is also equipped with an Interactive board that allows the teachers to incorporate the latest technology in their lessons to arouse the interest and curiosity of the students.

Popping sounds, coloured fumes and regular pungent smell is the order of the day in the well equipped chemistry lab where the students experiment with various chemical reactions.
Our lab is fully equipped with latest apparatus to provide the much needed facilities to the students and proves to be a platform for the inquisitive minds. All the experiments are carried out under vigilance. We maintain the quality of the chemicals and the branded instruments. Our spacious, well ventilated Chemistry Lab caters to the requirement of students.
GRD Academy has an intricately designed Biology Laboratory planned to meet the demands of the advancement in science and technology. The laboratory apparatus ranges from simple slides, test-tube, Petri dishes, Bunsen burners, beakers and flasks to the composite microscopes of varying powers to observe samples and organisms closely. They are high-powered, extremely expensive, and sensitive pieces of equipment that can make even the smallest parts of a single cell seem clear. Besides, the lab is self sufficient with other necessary assets such as hot case, refrigerator and water bath etc.
Besides the aforesaid the laboratory also has charts, models and specimens meant for demonstrations. Keeping the latest syllabus in mind the models, specimens, charts, chemicals etc have been well planned. The well qualified teachers and lab assistants are yet another asset for the lab.

Our lives are so influenced by technology today that it is important that the children are scientifically and technologically literate. The school has two computer labs with more than 30 computers in each. The school follows the CBSE syllabus for Information Technology to keep our children ahead in this IT-enabled world.
The hi-tech computer lab make the students tech-savvy and keeps them abreast with the latest techniques & that teaches not just computer as a subject, but also, the integration of computer skills for learning of other subjects in the curriculum.
Students are given training on advanced software like MS-Office, Flash, Web Designing, Visual Basic, Oracle etc. Junior students also take hands-on experience on computers by working on wallpapers, screen savers, paint, Logo, Notepad, Calculator etc. Apart from these, computers are also used as a knowledge imparting tool to teach various subjects to students using multimedia CDs. Internet facility is also available but given access to the students only under the supervision of the computer teacher.
Mathematics is one of the most challenging and tricky subject. At times, Students are unable to grasp concepts and complex theories and over a period of time develop a phobia for Maths. To avoid this, school has established a well equipped Mathematics Laboratory. It is a place where learning becomes fun. The laboratory approach of teaching Mathematics provides students with the opportunity to understand and discover the beauty, importance and relevance of Mathematics as a discipline. The Math Lab comprises of a variety of mathematical teaching aids in the form of models, games, charts, CDs, books etc. useful for effective learning.
The focus of learning is on developing number sense, spatial sense, recognition of patterns and gradually to attend the problems with algorithm and abstraction. Teachers emphasize on mathematical process which helps the child to imbibe concepts using concrete materials, problem solving with real-life situations, reasoning, reflecting and connecting, selecting appropriate computational tools, strategies and use of Mathematical vocabulary.

The Language Lab in the school aims at developing the right Language and Communication skills in all the areas of LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing). Language lab is power packed with an array of comprehensive study materials. Various activities like miming and role plays are carried out using CDs and cassettes which benefit our students keeping their attention intact to what is being taught to them.
The core purpose of the lab stays with teaching the students actual pronunciation of the words in both languages i.e. Hindi and English. Listening skills are also horned in the lab with the help of Speeches, Songs and Documentaries.